On February 12, 2023, the Croatian National Theater hosted a humanitarian concert called "You're not alone - you're coming with us" organized by the Rotary Club of Zagreb Gornji Grad.
Martina Filjak piano, Lana Kos soprano, Monika Leskovar cello, and Gordan Tudor saxophone performed. All donations from the concert were paid to the “Nismo same” association, and to the project of transporting oncology patients to chemotherapy. The project was very successful according to all parameters: The Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, commonly referred to as HNK Zagreb, was full, a great concert and positive energy after the concert guaranteed a pleasant gathering of the audience, mostly Rotarians. The most important thing is that the planned amount of funds (20,000 euros) was collected, which is about a third of the association's annual needs for transportation.
Also, the current Minister of Health, Dr. Vili Beroš, who himself attended the concert on behalf of the sponsor, the Ministry of Health, arranged a meeting with the president of the association, Ivana Kalogjera, and announced the possibility of further assistance through financing the project through EU funds. Once again, we showed that Rotarians have big hearts, and that we are fulfilling our mission of serving the community. Još jednom smo pokazali da su rotarijanska srca velika, te da ispunjavamo svoju misiju služenja zajednici.
You can pay the donation to the account of the Rotary Club Zagreb Gornji Grad (IBAN HR5824020061101031919) with an indication on the invoice "Nisi sama - ides s nama".
With the action named "Rotary, friends of Thumbeline", the Rotary Club Zagreb Gornji Grad supports the Club of parents of premature babies "Palčići". The club of parents of premature babies "Palčići" was founded on the initiative of parents and health professionals with the aim of helping, educating and sharing the experiences of parents of premature babies and long-term improvement of care for sick and premature babies. With the help of great people with big hearts and various actions, the supply of devices that MEANING LIFE is continuously ensured in maternity hospitals throughout Croatia.
With a donation through the action "Rotary, friends of Palčić", club t-shirts with the logo of our club and the Palčić Association were ordered, which we will proudly wear and spread awareness of the problems and consequences faced by prematurely born children and their parents. We invite all Rotary clubs to join the action and support Palčić and be part of the BIGGEST FIGHT FOR THE SMALLEST HEROES that Croatia has known.
You can pay the donation to the account of the Rotary Club Zagreb Gornji Grad (IBAN HR5824020061101031919) with an indication on the invoice "Rotary - friends of Thumbeline".
Citizens of Croatia unfortunately know what it means to be at war and what it means to be a refugee. Therefore, a level of our empathy for situation in Ukraine is extremely high. From the outbreak of the war in Ukraine many members of RC Zagreb Gornji Grad actively engaged to contribute and help, according to their ability as well as needs of refugees.
Additionally, many requests for help and information about the actual needs we receive from a friend of the club, who is also Ukrainian living in Zagreb. He is actively engaged in the reception and assistance to his compatriots. Contribution of our members is various. Unfortunately, all geopolitical analysis anticipate that the war in Ukraine will not end any time soon, which means refugees from Ukraine in Croatia are here to stay. Members of Rotary Club Zagreb Gornji Grad are determined to continue providing continuous support to dislocated citizens of Ukraine, for as long as it is needed.
During 1985, Rotary launched its PolioPlus program, the first global initiative aimed at mass vaccination of children to eliminate polio (Polio). Thirty years ago, we further strengthened our action: together with our partners, we created the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) to systematically tackle this widespread disease that affects more than 350,000 children worldwide each year. Rotary International has been organizing World Polio Day for years to further concentrate all activities in completing the great noble mission of the Rotary movement. We want to show our strong commitment to Rotary principles and values in order to actively participate in improving the quality of life in the homeland and the world, so our intention is to mark this day by collecting donations to the Rotary Foundation with the sole aim of strengthening action to eradicate polio.
To serve unselfishly is the purpose and essence of the Rotary movement. Rotarians are the backbone of a society in a time when humanity should be more important than profit, and humanity and caring for the needs of others the only way to stay human in the difficult times we live in. The club wants to show by example how united we can be with all the differences and personalities, since service is the basis of the RC Zagreb Gornji Grad is an inexhaustible force that enables the achievement of noble goals and that connects members firmly. We would like to ask you to help this noble mission as a partner of our club with a donation or sponsorship or in some other way, in order to mark the World Day for the Eradication of Polio with dignity.
You can pay the donation to the account of the Rotary Club Zagreb Gornji Grad (IBAN HR5824020061101031919) with an indication on the invoice "Donation for the Rotary PolioPlus Fund".